Saturday, December 22, 2007

Were Converse the original gangster label?

I was watching the West Side Story today and I couldn't believe how all the gangsters were wearing Converse sneakers. That's the image my Mom has of Converse -- because all the "bad boys" back then wore them. Sort of like with Timberland and other gangsta gear boots now. But I love 'em. My brother just got me a new pair of green Converse high-tops.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Plain old blue suit?

This picture of Ehrud Olmert, George Bush and Mahmoud Abbas in Anapolis last week might look like 3 politicians in boring blue politician-suits. But do you notice the differences? Bush's look is distinctly "American," with boxy shoulder pads and rounded shoes. Olmert looks more European, with a loosely-knotted tie and a more slimming cut of suit.